
Alison Rose
The Belle of Bon Accord
Byron Strathspey
Fair Donald
MacDonald of the Isles
Just Enough to Dance
Queen Mary of Scotland
The Rose of the North
The Shamrock Girl
The Silver Grey
Summer on the Clyde
The Wind on Loch Fyne

The Shamrock Girl

1-4 1st and 2nd cples (also 3rd and 4th cpls) dance four hands round to the left. 1st and 3rd cples finish in the center facing down.
5-8 3rd cpl, followed by 1st cpl, dance down below 4th cpl, divide and cast up. Third cple finish in first place, 1st cpl, divide and cast up. 3rd cpl finish in first place, 1st cpl finish in 3rd place-both cples facing in and down.
9-16 Reels of four on the sides. To begin, 3rd and 1st cpls dance in and down; 2nd and 4th cpls dance out and up.
17-24 3rd and 1st cpls dance figures of 8. To begin, 3rd cpl cross down between 2nd cpl; 1st cpl cross down between 4th cpl. On bar 24, all four cpls dance into the center ready for:
25-28 Half poussette-3rd ple with 2nd cpl; 1st cpl with 4th cpl.
29-32 All turn partner once round with both hands. Repeat from new positions.


1-2 All 4 cpls, giving R hands, cross over to opposite sides of the dance.
3-4 1st and 2nd cpls and, at the same time, 3rd and 4th cpls dance right hands across 1/2 way around.
5-6 Repeat bars 1-2 giving L hands.
7-8 Repeat bars 3-4 giving L hands.
9-10 All 4 cpls set.
11-14 All 4 cpls dance eight hands round to the L, finishing with the 4th cpl at the top of the circle and the 1st cpl at the bottom.
15-16 All set.
17-20 1st and 4th cpls dance half rights and lefts to original places.
21-24 2nd and 3rd cpls dance half rights and lefts to original places.
25-28 All turn partner with R hand.
29-32 1st cpl lead down the middle to 4th place while 2nd, 3rd and 4th cpls set and dance up one place.

Byron Strathspey

1-4 All 3 cpls petronella turn to finish in line up and down, all set to partner.
5-8 All turn partner with 2 hands to original places.
9-12 2nd lady with 1st cpl, 2nd man with 3rd cpl dance R hands across, pass R shdr for:
13-16 L hands across. Finish: 3rd cpl in original place, 2nd cpl in promenade hold facing up, 1st cpl facing out.
17-24 Reel across dance, 2nd cpl begin toward 1st lady position. Finish: 2nd cpl in center at top, 1st cpl behind them and 3rd cpl step in.
25-32 All 3 cpls allemande.

Fair Donald

1-4 1st cpl, nearer hands joined, dance down between 2nd cpl and cast up to place.
5-8 1st cpl dance down between 3rd cpl and cast up to first corners. (2nd cpl step up.)
9-16 1st cpl reel of four with first corners passing L shoulder at end of reel.
17-24 Reel of four with second corners finishing between 2nd pl facing up.
25-26 1st cpl cast off one place.
27-28 All three cpls set.
29-32 All turn partners both hands.

Alison Rose

1-4 1st cpl dance down, curve into 4th place; 2nd, 3rd and 4th cpl step up.
5-8 All set, 8 hands round half way.
9-12 Men left hands across, women right hands across.
13-16 Beginning with 1st cpl (woman in front of partner), all change places giving other hand across.
17-22 1st cpl meet, join R hands, lead down set, to right and up center. Other cpls follow.
23-24 Turn partner half round into allemande position.
25-32 Four cpl allemande.

Belle of Bon Accord

1-4 1st lady dances down crossing over, casts up behind 2nd man finishing in centre facing down. 1st man crosses, casts off behind 2nd lad finishing in centre facing up. 3rd cpl dance similarly rond 4th cpl.
5-8 1st and 2nd cpls, 3rd and 4th cpls R hands across.
9-16 1st and 3rd cpls reel of four.
17-18 1st cpl turn R hand to finish in 2nd place facing up. 2nd cpl dance up and join nearer hands facing down. 3rd and 4th cpls dance similarly
19-24 1st and 2nd cpls set then dance 4 hands round to left. 3rd and 45h cpls dance similarly.
25-28 1st cpl lead up crossing over and cast off round 2nd cpl. 3rd cpl dance similarly round 4th cpl.
29-30 1st and 3rd cpls turn both hands.
31-32 1st cpl dance down to 4th place while 3rd cpl cast up to 2nd place.
31-32 1st and 4th cpls open up the circle to allow 1st woman to lead 4th woman down women’s side of the dance while 4th man leades up 1st man up men’s side. 2nd and 3rd cpls step up.

Queen Mary of Scotland

1-4 2nd cpl dance up between 1st cpl and cast back to places, while 3rd cpl dance down between 4th cpl and cast back to places.
5-8 1st cpl dance down between 2nd cpl and cast back to places, while 4th cpl dance up between 3rd cpl and cast back to places.
9-10 1st cpl turn right hand halfway, moving down to 2nd place facingup, nearer hands joined. 2nd cpl dance up and in to join nearer hands facing down. 4th cpl turn left hand halfway, moving up to 3rd place facing down, nearer hands joined. 3rd pl dance down and in and face up.
11-16 All set, then four hands across, finishing on side lines, 1st and 4th cpls on opposite sides.
17-24 Reels of four on the side.
25-26 1st and 4th cpls turn partners both hands halfway, staying in center of set.
27-28 1st and 4th men, 1st and 4th women, join nearer hands and set to partners.
29-32 1st cpl dance up between 2nd cpl and cast off to 3rd place. 4th cpl following 1st cpl cast off to second place.

The Rose of the North

1-4 1st cpl lead down, cross over below 3rd, cast up into 2nd place on opposite sides.
5-16 Three cpl rights and lefts, 1st cpl finishing back to back facining 1st corners, ie.
5-6 All cross, giving right hands
7-8All change places L hand, dancers in 1st woman’s and 3rd man’s positions diagonally, the others on the sides
9-12 Repeat bars 5-8 from the new positions
13-16 Repeat bars 5-8 from the new positions.
17-24 1st cpl set to and turn corners with both hands, finishing back to back int he center, 1st woman facing down, 1st man facing up.
25-28 1st woman dances three hands round with 3rd cpl, 1st man with 2nd cpl. On bar 28, 1st cpl pull back shoulders to face each other up and down the dance.
29-32 1st cpl set to each other, then petronella turn to 2nd place on own sides.

The Silver Grey

1-4 1st and 2nd and 3rd cpls, taking hands on the sides, set and cross giving right hands to parter.
5-8 Repate bars 1-4 back to place.
9-16 Six hands round and back. First couple finish in the middle of the dance facing down. Third cpl finish in the middle facing up.
17-22 1st and 3rd cpls dance 3/4 rights and lefts up and down the dance.
23-24 1st cpl cast off to second place on the wrong side; 3rd cpl cross to place giving left hands; second cpl step up.
25-28 1st cpl dance a half figure of eight around 3rd cpl, crossing down to begin.
29-32 1st cpl, followed by 3rd cpl, dance up between second cpl and cast off to third place. 3rd cpl finish in second place. Repeat from new positions.


1-8 1st cpl set, dance down crossing over to second place on opposite sides. 1st woman casts up round 2nd man, 1st man casts off round rd woman. 1st cpl change places right hand to finish 1st man between 2nd cpl facing down, 1st woman between 3rd cpl facing up.
9-16 1st man reel of three with 2nd cpl, right shoulder to 2nd man. 1st woman reel of three with 3rd cpl, right shoulder to 2nd woman. 1st man finishes between 2nd cpl, 1st woman btween 3rd cpl.
17-20 Set in lines of three and change places right hand with person facing.
21-24 Set again in lines of three. 1st man cast up to second place on own side while 1st woman casts off to second place onown side. Meanwhile, 2nd and 3rd men, and 2nd and 3rd women turn both hands half-way to finish facing out with nearer hands joined, closely back to back with partners.
25-28 Men dance three hands round. At the end 2nd man leads the dancers across the op of the set. Women dance similarly. At the end 3rd woman leads the dancers across the set in 3rd place.
29-32 All three cpls dance six hands round to the left to finish on own sides in the order 2, 1, 3.

Just Enough to Dance

1-8 Position 1, figure of eight around Position 2 and three, giving right shoulder to Position 2 to begin.
9-12 Position 1 and Position 2, set and turn two hands.
13-16 Position 1 and Position 2, set and turn two hands.
17-24 Reel of three, Postion 1 giving left shoulder to Position 2.
25-32 Three hands across and back. Repeat dance: Position 2 dances with Position 3 to begin NOTE: At the end of the reel, Position 1 curls to the right to be ready for three hands across and back.

The Wind on Loch Fyne (32 bars–3 cpl set in triangular formation)

1-8 1st cpl cross over, woman dances through 3rd cpl, man dances through 2nd cpl, then each dance figure eight round the respective cpls, finishing at the top of the dance, where, on bar 8, they cross giving right hand to face each other. Cpls 2 and 3 face partners on bar 8.
9-16 Interlocking reels of four. On bar 16 women turn partners right hand into the center.
17-18 Men three hands across, left hand. Women chase clockwise.
19-20 All turn partners right hand.
21-22 Repeat bars 17-18.
23-26 All turn partners right hand to sidelines. Set, nearer hands joined.
27-28 Six hands round to left.
29-30 All turn partners both hands.
31-32 Six hands round to left to finish having progressed one place clockwise.

MacDonald of the Isles (32 bars–3 cpl set)

1-8 2nd cpl dance a diagonal reel of four with 1st man and 3rd woman and finish dancing left shoulder round each other ready for
9-16 A diagonal reel of four with 1st woman and 3rd man. All finish in their original places.
17-18 1st cpl cross, giving rightr hands, and
19-20 Change places with 2nd cpl, giving left hands.
21-22 1st cpl change places with 3rd cpl, giving right hands, wile 2nd cpl, giving right hands, cross over at top.
23-24 Giving left hands, 2nd cpl changes places with 3rd, while 1st cross over at the bottom, back to own sides. (This figure is like a Grand Chain, with 2nd cpl joining in on bar 19 and 3rd on bar 21.)
25-28 2nd and 3rd cpls dance half right and left.
29-32 3rd woman dances a half figure of eight round 1st woman, while 3rd man does the same round 2nd man. (Repeat dance with new couple leading)

Summer on the Clyde (32 bars–4 cpl set)

1-4 1st man and 2nd lady set to each other and change places giving right hands, while 3rd man and 4th lady to do likewise.
5-8 1st lady with 2nd man, 3rd lady with 4th man set to each other and change places giving right hands as in bars 1-4.
9-12 1st cpl with 2nd cpl, 3rd cpl with 4th cpl dance half rights and lefts to regaintheir original places.
13-16 1st cpl facing 2nd cpl on the sidelines, and 3rd cpl facing 4th cpl likewise all set twice.
17-24 All dance reels of four on the side lines, 1st cpl giving right shoulders to 2nd cpl to start the reels.
25-28 1st cpl lead down in the middle of the dance by the right hand for three steps, and turn inwards on the fourth step at the foot of the dance. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cpls step up on bars 27-28.
29-32 1st cpl and 4th cpl dance four hands once round to the left. (Dance repeats with new top cpl)